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Stories By Joey: Dessert Comes First... And Plants!

Stories By Joey

Abby wants to open a restaurant someday, and she's already come up with the name: Dessert Comes First. From the name, you probably get that she, like most kids, is interested in the sweet stuff. To be honest, I think for many adults, we'd probably take a bowl of ice cream over a steaming pile of broccoli, too.

We were at a restaurant for lunch recently, trying to decide if we wanted any appetizers and somehow the conversation quickly shifted to chocolate cake. Our waitress told us about a regular customer that she has that always orders a piece of cake first and her meal second. After a few times of this customer coming in, our waitress said that she asked her why she ordered cake first. Her comment was, 'I don't know what's going to happen on any given day and at any given time, so I always have my cake first.'

Wise words to live by, though I'm not sure my doctor would agree. It is easy to forget to do the fun things when we get so busy and bogged down with the little day-to-day items that seem to dominate our time. The future will tell if Abby ever gets to open her restaurant, but at least she is making plans with the right attitude. Dessert comes first. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should start every meal with a big slice of chocolate cake, but it wouldn't hurt to treat yourself every now and then.

Dessert may not always come first for you, but I'm sure your plants do! Today's restock has lots of fun stuff if you need to treat yourself to something beautiful. Check out some of the new items below. Plants go live at noon EST. Happy Planting.

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