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Hoyas: Tips and Tricks For These Easy-Care Plants

Plant Care Specific Plant Care

There is no way around it, hoyas are really cool plants. The hoya genus is comprised of hundreds of species, each with its own unique characteristics. It is a vining-type plant, so it is often seen cascading out of a basket or climbing a totem or trellis. The variety in foliage shapes, textures and colors is incredible and there is always something new to discover in this plant family. And you know, we talk so much about variegated leaves and cool shapes that we don't always talk about flowers. In the spring and summer, it's hoya grow-time, when hoyas wake from their fall and winter slumber with a burst of energy and put out new leaves and vines. And, if they are a few years old, they'll often put out a beautiful cluster of flowers. These clusters look fake and are the reason for another common name for hoyas, porcelain flower. Each species blooms with a different color and fragrance! The natural world is just amazing, isn't it?

This week, the New Arrivals will feature lots of fun varieties of hoyas going live at noon EST. If you enter the code hoya20 at checkout, you'll also receive 20% off of all hoya plants. Below, you'll find care information that will give you tips for taking care of hoyas. They are a relatively easy-care plant as houseplants go, and once you start collecting, you won't be able to stop.

Hoya Care

Light - Hoyas prefer plenty of bright, indirect light, but no direct sunlight. They definitely bloom best when they receive at least a few hours of indirect light each day.

Soil - Hoyas want to dry out in between waterings, which means that you want to plant them in a soil that holds some water, but not too much. A little bark (like an orchid bark) or perlite mixed with a rich peat is our favorite mix for growing hoyas.

Moisture - Let soil dry in between waterings, hoyas do not want to be wet and soggy. Only water when the top inch of soil is completely dry.

Feeding - Feed hoyas every two weeks during growing season with a liquid fertilizer, or every few months with a controlled release fertilizer such as Osmocote. Hoyas do have a dormant period during cooler months, that's when you won't see a lot of growth. During that time, you can hold off on fertilizing until the spring growing season returns.

Repotting - For the first few years with a young plant, repot on an annual basis. Older plants prefer to be a little pot bound, so repotting is not needed as frequently.

Foliage Care - Leaves are long lasting on hoyas, so even a damaged or scarred leaf continues to be useful to the plant, even if it isn't as pretty as you want it to be. Badly damaged leaves should be carefully removed. Be sure to support the woody vines as they grow upwards or give them plenty of room to trail downwards.

Rest - Plants tend to rest through the cooler fall and winter months, so you will not see growth during this time. Allow them to rest properly by only watering as they dry out.

Pests - Hoyas are pretty tough, so there aren't usually major pest issues, but watch for mealy bugs or aphids and in wet conditions they can develop root rot. When you see an insect issue, spray with Neem oil on a weekly basis to get it under control.

There you have it! Pretty soon you'll be a hoya pro.

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