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Stories By Joey: Underwater Portraits

Stories By Joey

Years ago, I got an underwater Minolta camera for a birthday gift. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. And at the time I took a slew of pictures of my family underwater. They were all hilarious. You can't make a 'normal' face underwater, since you are holding your breath and opening your eyes makes everything blurry. Usually end up with puffed out cheeks and bubbles coming out of weird places. I had fun with that camera though and have the pictures to prove it.

A few weeks ago, my mom found that they still make disposable underwater cameras. I know some newer phones can do it, but I am just not willing to take my phone underwater, no matter how 'waterproof' they tell me it is. So, she bought one and when we had a big group of cousins together, we took pictures of everyone underwater. They didn't disappoint. It's funny to see everyone's hair floating around and the attempts to make a somewhat regular face, when really you are just trying to figure out which way the camera is.

Above all, I feel pretty lucky to have a pool to jump into when it is hot outside. The temperatures that some of you all are dealing with right now are something we never see here in Florida. Would you believe that the highest recorded temperature in Tampa (recorded at our airport) is 99? Of course, we do have like 1000% humidity most of the time, so it feels well over 100 quite a bit. Perfect for jumping in the pool after playing with plants, indoors or outdoors.

And with summer in full swing everywhere, we know that everyone's plans this year are a little different than last summer. To accommodate travel plans and the intense heat, we're allowing customers to delay shipping up to two weeks. All you have to do is add a note to your order indicating your desired ship date. You can also message or e-mail us with the shipping date that you would like. We believe nothing should get in the way of bringing you and your #plantbabies together.

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